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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Drew Tips Big!

"We have fond memories of Drew Carey - and so does just about every waiter who ever served him. In fact, they fall all over each other to get to him first. The hefty TV star recently dined at Arnie Morton's with a female companion described as "a petite dishwater blonde and pretty - not the amazonian stripper type he used to prefer. " The fun couple had steaks and champagne and the dinner tab was $250. Drew, always a big tipper, left a TIP of $400 - that's $650 total. And he no longer has a series!"

I used to wait tables & let me tell you-these are the customers that you love! It makes up for all the others who don't take care of their server. Nice man that Mr. Carey:)! Folks remember this: tipping well gives you good $$ karma!

Source: Janet Charlton's Hollywood

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